Cake Flour
If you don't have any cake flour but need some for a recipe add 2Tbsp cornflour to every 1C of plain flour that you need.
Yes! You should!! The aim of this blog is to show that no food should be completely off bounds for anyone - even diabetics - (unless of course you have a food allergy!) and that moderation is the key to good health.
If you don't have any cake flour but need some for a recipe add 2Tbsp cornflour to every 1C of plain flour that you need.
1. Click on the heading of the recipe that you want to print. This will take you to the permalink for that recipe.
2. With your mouse, highlight the text of the recipe (from the heading, down to the source).
3. Go into 'Print Preview' and change the drop down box that says 'As laid out on screen' to 'As selected on screen'. This should change the preview to just the recipe, not my sidebar and everything else.
4. Select print. Remember to change the settings to grayscale or black & white, otherwise the writing will print in pink and purple.